Skyscraper-Sized Asteroid to Safely Pass Earth on August 10 : NASA Reports

NASA has confirmed that a 610-foot asteroid, designated 2024 KH3, will make a close approach to Earth on August 10. While classified as "potentially hazardous" due to its size and proximity, the asteroid poses no immediate threat to our planet.

At its closest point, the asteroid will be approximately 3.47 million miles away, which is about 14 times the distance between Earth and the Moon. This significant distance ensures a safe passage.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is actively tracking this near-Earth object as part of its ongoing efforts to monitor potential space threats. While today's flyby presents no danger, it underscores the importance of continued surveillance of asteroids to protect our planet.

Scientists are also excited about the opportunity to study this celestial body, as it provides valuable insights into the early solar system.


  • NASA
  • Asteroid

  • Asteroids like 2024 KH3 are remnants from the early solar system.