Will you see sharks in the Great Barrier Reef?

Will you see sharks in the Great Barrier Reef? Reef Shark & Snorkeler In general, snorkeling and scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef you will have no problem at all with these reef-dwelling sharks. They can, in fact, be a highlight of any snorkeling or scuba diving trip, often being the hot topic of conversation if you manage to spot one.

Can beginners snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef?

Snorkelling. The sites in the Great Barrier Reef are shallow enough so that you can easily explore everything below the water's surface. The water in these parts is pleasantly warm and ideal for novices. There are plenty snorkelling expeditions from the main towns along the coasts.

What do you do if you see a shark while snorkeling?

Most sharks are not in any way dangerous and should be respected by observing from a distance and not touching, chasing, or harassing. Of the most inquisitive larger sharks, if you feel threatened or worried, always remain facing the shark, stay low, and back off slowly.

When not to visit the Great Barrier Reef?

The Great Barrier Reef is also prone to thunderstorms and the occasional cyclone. If you want reliably good underwater visibility, summer might not be the best time as rain and storms can cause the water to become murky. It's not all bad though.

Are there great white sharks in Cairns?

Species of Sharks on the Great Barrier Reef First let us say this, there are no Great White Sharks on the Great Barrier Reef. The water is far too warm for them. With that sorted, these are the types of sharks you might see on the Great Barrier Reef.

What are some dangers of the Great Barrier Reef?

  • Threats to the Reef. ...
  • Climate change. ...
  • Sea temperature. ...
  • Coastal development. ...
  • Declining water quality. ...
  • Marine debris. ...
  • Impacts from fishing. ...
  • Crown-of-thorns starfish.

What not to do at the Great Barrier Reef?

Take care when diving and snorkelling Be aware of where your fins are and avoid touching anything with them. Don't rest or stand on coral. If you must stand up, make sure it is on sand or use rest stations. Observe animals rather than handling them directly, and avoid blocking the path of free swimming animals.