Will TSA check my engagement ring?

Will TSA check my engagement ring? Having the ring tucked away in your bag won't set off any alarms, but there's always the chance your bag can get searched. The first thing you'll want to do is make sure the ring is safe and secure for travel. Usually the box that the ring came in is good for this.

Do I need to declare Jewellery at UK customs?

As a UK resident, you will have to declare your jewelry purchases whether intended as gifts or not. Do not rely on about.com for accurate information on anything.

Can I carry jewellery in international flight to UK?

Passengers have to declare the jewellery they intend to bring in UK to the custom authorities. Personal allowance rules apply to any goods you have bought overseas and are bringing into the UK. Goods (for your own use or to be given as gifts) commonly known as 'personal allowances', are not subject to taxes and duties.

Should you travel with expensive jewelry?

Only bring what you will actually wear on your journey. It may be in your best interest to leave your most expensive and sentimental pieces of jewelry at home. Luckily, many hotels have safes included in the room where you can keep your fine jewelry during the day.

Do airport detectors detect jewelry?

Some types of jewelry will be more likely to be detected by metal detectors if they have certain types of metals. It's definitely possible to get through airport security metal detectors without setting off the alarm if you have gold, silver, platinum, etc. Even steel and titanium jewelry objects can get through okay.