Will there be an increase in railroad retirement benefits in 2023?

Will there be an increase in railroad retirement benefits in 2023? The monthly exempt amount for the first year of retirement in 2023 is $4,710. Cost-of-living: Annuitants will receive a cost-of-living increase effective January 2023. Tier I will increase 8.7%, and Tier II will increase by 2.8%. This increase is before any adjustment for other benefits.

What is the average railroad retirement pension?

The average age annuity being paid by the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) at the end of fiscal year 2022 to career rail employees was $4,020 a month, and for all retired rail employees the average was $3,210. The average age retirement benefit being paid under social security was approximately $1,650 a month.

What is the railroad retirement for January 2023?

In January 2023, the average regular Railroad Retirement employee annuity will increase $215 a month to $3,344 and the average of combined benefits for an employee and spouse will increase $304 a month to $4,838.

How much is Tier 2 railroad retirement?

The formula for the gross tier II amount is 7/10 of 1% of the employee's average monthly railroad earnings (up to the tier II taxable maximum earnings base) in the 60 months of highest earnings, times the years of service in the rail industry.