Will I see dolphins on an Alaskan cruise?

Will I see dolphins on an Alaskan cruise? At any time during the cruise season you'll certainly see some of Alaska's most amazing animal inhabitants, including whales, dolphins, bears and bald eagles. However, many migratory species are sighted more often during certain times.

Do dolphins swim next to cruise ships?

Spotting Dolphins and Porpoises Dolphins are curious creatures and show no fear of human activity. You might see them from the ship, racing and jumping, apparently for the sheer fun of it, playing in the wake, or following a fishing boat in search of food. If the water is smooth, scan for disturbances.

What is the most common time to see dolphins?

Dolphins are most active at the crack of dawn, between 10 am and noon, and from 2 pm till dusk. A great pair of telephoto lenses or binoculars can be invaluable tools to spot dolphins easily.

What if a cruise ship hits a whale?

Collisions with vessels can be fatal. When a whale or sea turtle is hit by a ship or another vessel, these gentle creatures are likely to die or suffer a horrific injury. Ship collisions have been identified as a significant human cause of baleen whales (mysticete) mortality [1].

Why do dolphins chase cruise ships?

The motion of a boat, its sounds, and the disturbance of the water prompt dolphins to go check out the strange object in their habitat. They approach the boat and swim alongside it to study this fast-moving object and observe the people on board.

How do cruise ships avoid hitting whales?

It uses data from its specialized high-tech buoys, satellites and entries on a whale-watching app to predict the presence of whales in shipping lanes — warning the companies in near-real time so they can voluntarily slow down to 10 knots, a speed set by a federal agency shown to significantly reduce the risk of fatal ...

Do whales stay away from cruise ships?

Their findings were fascinating; the blue whales showed little active avoidance of oncoming ships. When in close proximity, none of the whales studied appeared to move away from the ships.

Do sharks swim near cruise ships?

Sharks may swim alongside the cruise ship out of curiosity or to see what is inside the ship- bear in mind that sharks may not have the same visual abilities as human beings. Furthermore, sharks follow cruise ships for safety.

Which Alaska cruise port is best for whale watching?

The best whale watching ports of call are typically Juneau, Icy Strait Point, and Sitka in Alaska, and Victoria, British Columbia in Canada.

Do you get wet on a dolphin cruise?

Some dolphin cruises offer the chance to swim with the wildlife. This means that you can expect yourself to get wet during the day. Bring extra towels to dry your body with and prevent getting cold.

Will I see polar bears on Alaska cruise?

Black bears, brown bears, and polar bears call Alaska home. While polar bears do not migrate far enough south to see while on a cruise, passengers may have the opportunity to spot black or brown bears. The best time to see bears in Southeast Alaska is from July through early September.