Will GPS replace VOR?
Will GPS replace VOR? When a VOR is decommissioned, it is replaced with a GPS-based intersection and GPS-based airways. Sometimes the DME is retained even if the VOR is removed.
Can you fly a VOR missed approach with GPS?
GPS ON VOR APPROACHES. It's been a long-standing policy in both AC 90-108 ?Use of Suitable Area Navigation? and the AIM that you can't use a GPS to shoot a VOR approach unless it says ?or GPS? in the title.
Is it legal to fly a VOR approach with GPS?
Yes, you can shoot a VOR approach with GPS only as long as the title of the approach is titled, VOR/GPS. To count the approach as a VOR approach on an FAA flight test will require that the VOR be tuned to the appropriate station and identified.
What is the 60 1 rule for vors?
The 1 in 60 rule states that if you're off course by 1NM after 60 miles flown, you have a 1-degree tracking error. Time to correct that heading! Another tip: If you're 60 miles away from a VOR, and you're off course by one degree, you're off course by one mile.
Do pilots still use VOR?
Long before GPS was available for aircraft navigation, VOR stations guided aviators around the world. Although this technology is aging and many VORs are being decommissioned, VORs still play an important role in aviation.