Why you should sleep on your left side?

Why you should sleep on your left side? “When we sleep on the left side, the stomach and its gastric juices remain lower than the esophagus thus reducing heartburn and digestive upsets,” Ramadan said. Additionally, he said this sleep position can assist in relieving any existing back pain while also preventing undue pressure on the back.

What side of the bed do most females sleep on?

What side of the bed do most women sleep on? Women who share a bed tend to sleep on the left side for safety and security. They also are more likely to sleep closer to the radiator.

Why is it better to sleep on your left side?

“When we sleep on the left side, the stomach and its gastric juices remain lower than the esophagus thus reducing heartburn and digestive upsets,” Ramadan said. Additionally, he said this sleep position can assist in relieving any existing back pain while also preventing undue pressure on the back.

Which sleeping position is best for weight loss?

Sleeping on the left side is a good position for the digestive system, avoiding the accumulation of fat. However, sleeping positions should also be changed from time to time to avoid over-stressing the arms.

Which side should not be slept?

Sleeping with the head towards the south is believed to promote relaxation and sound sleep, while the east direction is associated with positive energy and good health. Sleeping with the head towards the north or west is usually discouraged as it may disrupt the body's magnetic field and lead to disturbed sleep.