Why were proponents of deregulation so successful in the late 1990s?

Why were proponents of deregulation so successful in the late 1990s? Proponents of deregulation were successful in the late 1990s because they took advantage of the competitive environment. 2. As a result of technological innovation, diversification and globalization, banks were able and expected to offer more services.

How did deregulation lead to a decrease in the number of banks between 1980 and the present?

Deregulation led to a decrease in the number of banks between 1980 and the present in a way many mergers occurred. Less regulation (deregulation) meant less prohibitions and rules, so mergers could take place. Big banks bought smaller banks and became gigantic, and few giants merged as well...

Who benefited the most from airline deregulation?

Although all travelers are now enjoying lower fares, on average, as a result of deregulation, it is clear that travelers at large and medium hub airports have benefited more than those at small and nonhub airports.