Why were castles white?

Why were castles white? Castle walls could be plastered and whitewashed to protect the walls and mortar. The White Tower in the Tower of London is named for such a reason. Whether a castle would be 'white' would really depend on the plaster used and I'd expect to vary by custom from county to country and from age to age.

How did people deal with body odor in medieval times?

Asides from normal body odor, it would depend. Bathing was more common than people nowdays think and most Medieval people tried to keep clean as much was reasonable. A richer noble or merchant might also use perfumes or other such things to smell nicer while others would likely smell of their surroundings.

Why were castles dark?

The Keep of Goodrich Castle, built in the 1100s, only had tiny windows – which meant that little light could enter the castle. This meant that most structures could only support tiny windows – which resulted in dark rooms that were constantly cold, as the thick stone could never be fully warmed by the sun.

Did old castles have toilets?

In the medieval period luxury castles were built with indoor toilets known as 'garderobes', and the waste dropped into a pit below.

When did people stop living in castles?

After the 16th century, castles declined as a mode of defense, mostly because of the invention and improvement of heavy cannons and mortars. This artillery could throw heavy cannonballs with so much force that even strong curtain walls could not hold up.

Why did castles have high walls?

If attackers managed to break through this outer ring of defense, castle defenders could retreat behind high inner walls. Corner towers stood out from the walls, giving defenders a better perspective on enemy movements. Windows were rare; instead, slits called loopholes were built for archers.

What did castle toilets empty into in medieval times?

The toilets of a castle were usually built into the walls so that they projected out on corbels and any waste fell below and into the castle moat. Even better, waste went directly into a river as is the case of the latrines of one of the large stone halls at Chepstow Castle in Wales, built from the 11th century CE.

Were medieval castles smelly damp and dark?

The first stone castles built were cold, dark, smelly and damp. Inside the castle walls, floor coverings consisted of straw rushes and, later, sweet smelling herbs to mask the smell of animal excrement, grease, rotting food and beer.

What did medieval castles smell like?

Castles and manor houses often smelled damp and musty. To counteract this, herbs and rushes were strewn across the floors.

Were castles comfortable to live in?

Castles weren't always cold and dark places to live. But, in reality, the great hall of castle had a large open hearth to provide heat and light (at least until the late 12th century) and later it had wall fireplace. The hall would also have had tapestries which would have insulated the room against too much cold.

How did medieval castles get water?

The well – as well as any available cisterns – provided a protected source of drinking water for the castle garrison in peace and war and also for any civil population seeking refuge during a siege.

How long do castles last?

There are always exceptions to this, but it would appear that a few hundred years is the maximum a castle will survive without maintenance. A very well built castle will last indefinitely. Older castles may last longer than more recent ones.

Why were castles so uncomfortable?

Living in a medieval castle was often uncomfortable and even hazardous, particularly for those who were not part of the nobility or royalty. For example, despite their grandeur and imposing appearance, many castles lacked basic amenities like running water, central heating, and proper ventilation.

What is the oldest occupied castle in the world?

Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest inhabited castle in the world and has been the family home of British kings and queens for almost 1,000 years. The castle was established by William the Conqueror (r. 1066-1087) who began building at Windsor around 1070. It took 16 years to complete.

How did castles stay lit?

Candles were too expensive (especially beeswax ones) even for the lords of many castles. They used tallow candles (made from the fat of sheep or goats), flaming torches or lamps which burnt fish-oil to light their Great Halls. For decoration, the beams of the Hall were often painted with patterns.

What is the oldest castle still occupied?

Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest inhabited castle in the world and has been the family home of British kings and queens for almost 1,000 years. It is an official residence of Her Majesty The Queen and is still very much a working royal palace today, home to around 150 people.