Why was my passport not stamped?

Why was my passport not stamped? It is less and less frequent to see a stamp in the passport to the United States, so it is more common to hear immigrants questioning it. Why didn't they stamp my passport when I entered the United States? The reason is because everything is becoming more digitized and so many paper processes are no longer required.

Do they stamp your passport on trains?

You won't get a stamp when crossing internal borders, no matter whether it's train, plane or car. There is simply no one to give it to you. It's equal with crossing border from New York to New Jersey (for example).

What happens if immigration officer forgets to stamp my passport?

If CBP fails to issue an electronic I-94 or to stamp the client's passport, you should accompany the client to the nearest Deferred Inspection site to request a paper I-94 and/or passport stamp. The I-94 and passport stamp should reflect the correct date of entry.

What gets stamped in your passport?

A visa, or visa stamp, is a physical stamp or sticker in your passport that is issued by a U.S. embassy or consulate outside of the U.S. It indicates that you are eligible to apply for entry to the U.S. in a specific immigration category such as F-1 or J-1 student.

Does your passport get stamped from UK to Paris?

A passport issued by an EU/EEA country will not be stamped on entry to another EU/EEA country. A passport issued by a non-EU/EEA country (United States, Australia, India ... ) will be stamped on entry to the Schengen Area (e.g. when you travel on the Eurostar from UK to France).

Does Greece stamp passports?

You will be asked to complete a short form on which the entry stamp will be placed. Keep the form with your passport while you are in Greece and present it upon departure. If you lose the form, you must visit a police station and file a report before the Greek authorities will permit you to depart the country.

Do they stamp your passport on departure?

Most countries issue exit stamps in addition to entry stamps. A few countries issue only entry stamps, including Canada, El Salvador, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. Argentina, Australia, Hong Kong, Israel, Macau and Singapore do not stamp passports upon entry nor exit.