Why was King Tut's tomb rushed?
Why was King Tut's tomb rushed? The conservators theorize that because Tut died unexpectedly, the preparation of his tomb was likely a rush job, and the freshly plastered and painted walls would have retained enough moisture for microbes to thrive in the tomb's dark, warm environment after it was sealed.
What is the oldest tomb found in the world?
Tumulus of Bougon is the oldest known tomb in the world. The oldest structures of the Tumulus of Bougon date to 4800 BC.
What Egyptian tombs are still undiscovered?
Yet many questions remain. Although the efforts of Belzoni, Loret, Davis, Carter and others helped reveal the tombs of most of the New Kingdom pharaohs, several remain unaccounted for – including those of Ahmose I, Amenhotep I, Tuthmose II and Ramesses VIII.