Why was Egypt called the gift of the Nile quizlet?

Why was Egypt called the gift of the Nile quizlet? The Nile River is the longest river in the world, located in Egypt. The Egyptians considered the Nile a gift from their gods because it provided their necessities, such as drinking water, water for their animals, and water for their irrigation.

What came to be called the gift of the Nile?

Assignment #1: Egypt is wholly the gift of the Nile, means that the Nile River made civilization in Egypt possible. It provided the people with means for transport, help with irrigation for farming, some food such as fish, and even created fertile soil for growing crops.

Why is the Nile important to Egypt?

In addition to providing fertile soil for agriculture along its banks, the Nile served as a major highway through Egypt for ships carrying goods from one city to another. The Nile served the ancient Egyptians as an important resource for food and trade.