Why skills is important in tour guiding?

Why skills is important in tour guiding? A good tour guide is articulate, easy to understand, has the physical capabilities to command attention and project their voice across potentially large groups of people. They should also be able to communicate one on one, answer questions with calm and remain approachable even when under pressure.

What are three challenges in tour guiding?

Tour guides face many challenges and difficulties due to their profession conditions that can be detailed as follows: 1- Seasonality, part-time work and casual employment conditions that greatly and negatively affect the amount of work and available income; 2- Freelance nature and self-employed 3- Unsocial working ...

Is tour guiding a hard skill?

As the true backbone of any tour company, a tour guide brings the magic to your tours and keeps the customers coming back time and time again. However, it's not a job that just anybody can do. It's a demanding position that requires superb memory, incredible performance skills and great customer service.

What is the most important in tour guiding?

Communication is one of the most important skills of a tour guide. Guests rely on tour guides to provide direction, share facts and information, and keep them entertained throughout the tour. As such, a tour guide must speak fluently and coherently.

What is a good thing about tour guide?

A tour guide knows the area intimately and knows of people, quiet spots and experiences that aren't discussed on any website. They're there to ensure you get the most out of your time, and have the most authentic experience possible.

What makes a tour guide confident?

They're confident with the details of their job. Whether it's driving a van, steering a raft or just walking a trail, the best guides are intimately familiar with their gear and how to use it. They know their routes like the backs of their hands and set their guests at ease.

What is the core concept of tour guiding?

2.0 Introduction Tour guiding is an interactive activity in which a tour guide meets a tourist or a group of tourists, and takes them to a place called a tourism destination or a tourist attraction. He engages them in commentary about the place.