Why night walks are the best?

Why night walks are the best? Improves Deep Sleep Time Deep sleep is time is essential for physical recovery after exercise. Studies reveal that people who engage in evening walks have a three percent higher deep sleep time than people who do not engage in any physical activity.

Is it safe for a woman to walk alone at night?

--If you are walking alone at night, stay near well lit places of business and well lit walk ways. Avoid alleys and other poorly lit, closed spaces that might allow an attacker the advantage of surprise. --Trust your gut when parking your car.

What not to do when walking at night?

Avoid walking or running alone at night. Instead go walking or jogging with a friend. Don't use headphones while walking, driving or jogging. Always walk in well-lighted areas.

How safe do people feel to walk alone at night in Europe?

Many places in Europe are considered safe to walk alone at night. Switzerland and Germany are known for their low crime rates and generally safe environments.