Why lake effect snow storms occur on the east side of lakes in the US?

Why lake effect snow storms occur on the east side of lakes in the US? Lake-effect snow generally doesn't fall over the water because it needs the friction and topography of the land to bring out the snow. Winds usually blow west to east in the Northern Hemisphere, so the lake-enhanced snow is pushed to the eastern side of the Great Lakes, Miller said.

Does lake effect snow occur around other areas besides the Great Lakes?

Worldwide some locations that get substantial lake-effect snows include Japan, the Korean Peninsula, Scandinavia off the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland, and Canada when cold air passes across Hudson Bay, the Gulf of St.

Can lake effect snow happen on small lakes?

Lake-effect snow can form on small lakes just as it does in the Great Lakes. Salt Lake City, Fort Worth and Carson City, Nevada have all had bouts of snow from lakes. Inland lake-effect and ocean-effect doesn't just occur in the United States.

Why do lake effect snows not develop on the northern side of the Great Lakes when strong southerly winds are blowing during winter?

Why do lake-effect snows not develop on the northern side of the great lakes when strong southerly winds are blowing during winter? -Southerly winds would be bringing warm air across the lake. This would decrease the lake-air temperature difference, which is necessary for lake-effect snow.

What makes lake effect snow different?

The difference between lake-effect snow and a blizzard In contrast, lake-effect snow is created when cold air passes over a warmer body of water, picking up moisture and creating conditions conducive to snowfall.

How does wind direction affect lake effect snow?

The fetch is important in that a longer fetch will provide more fuel, or water vapor, for the development of heavier lake effect snow. For example, a north wind will produce a narrow band of very heavy snow to the south of Lake Michigan, while a (cold) west wind will produce multiple weaker bands to the east.