Why is Tokyo so clean?

Why is Tokyo so clean? Spiritual Origins of Cleanliness One of the main reasons why Japan is so clean, and why it has been this way for such a long time, are the two main religions of Buddhism and Shintoism.

Why are Japanese so polite?

Confucianism is one of the fundamental ideas of Japanese politeness. Confucianism stresses loyalty, justice, sense of shame, refined manners, modesty and honor among other values.

Is New York traffic worse than Chicago?

Chicago traffic is worst in North America, costing drivers an extra $300 in gas each year: study. Chicago traffic is the most congested in North America, followed by Boston and New York, according to a new study from Inrix.

Is Tokyo richer than New York?

Tokyo ranked second after New York among the world's wealthiest cities in terms of millionaires, according to a report released by a British consulting firm.

Do you tip in Japan?

Tipping in Japan is not expected, and attempts to leave a tip will almost certainly be turned down (a potentially awkward moment). In Japan, it's thought that by dining out or drinking at a bar, you are already paying the establishment for good service.