Why is there so much sewage in UK rivers?

Why is there so much sewage in UK rivers? If there's a lot of rain, there's the risk of these pipes becoming overwhelmed and the sewage backing up into people's houses. To lower that risk, instead of all the raw sewage ending up at the water treatment plant, some of it is pumped through storm overflows and into the sea or rivers.

What is the dirtiest river in Europe?

The Sarno, known as Sarnus to the Romans, is a stream that passes through Pompeii to the south of the Italian city of Naples. It is considered the most polluted river in Europe.

Are UK rivers clean enough to swim in?

Sewage spills and agricultural pollution are the leading causes of dirty rivers. And the latest figures are alarming: only 14% of England's rivers are classified as being of 'good' ecological status, according to a government report published in January 2022.

What is the cleanest river in the UK?

The Thames is considered to be the cleanest river in the world that flows through a major city. The Thames is home to 125 species of fish and more than 400 invertebrates.