Why is there so much Harry Potter stuff in York?

Why is there so much Harry Potter stuff in York? Popular with Harry Potter fans the world over, York's famous medieval street, Shambles (an old word meaning meat market or open-air slaughterhouse) is said to have been the inspiration for Diagon Alley.

What is the street in York that looks like Harry Potter?

The Shambles is a medieval shopping street in York but it is also thought to be one of the inspirations for Diagon Alley in the Harry Potter films. As such, it's often referred to as the Harry Potter street in York.

Is Hogwarts train station real?

That's right and it's called Goathland Station in the North York Moors National Park in Yorkshire. It was at this location that we first saw the Hogwarts Express arrive at Hogsmeade where the students made their way over to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Does York have a connection to Harry Potter?

The train station was used as the station for the wizard village of Hogsmeade, and can be seen in the first two movies. These filming locations and shops down The Shambles are not York's only links to the global franchiseDavid Bradley who plays the Hogwarts caretaker 'Argus Filch' is actually from our city.

Where is Hogsmeade in real life?

Fans of Harry Potter may want to add this UK destination to their travel list! In the Yorkshire countryside, you can visit Goathland Station, which served as the setting for the fictional Hogsmeade station, serving both the village of Hogsmeade and the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, in Harry Potter films.

Where is Hogwarts in real life?

Alnwick Castle, England The exteriors of the 950-year-old structure became the Hogwarts set for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001). The Alnwick Castle is seen when Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) and his friends move from class to class, and also when they make their way to see Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane).

Does the Hogwarts castle exist?

But while Hogwarts Castle isn't real, the Hogwarts that we have grown to love through inhaling the films IS a place that we desperate fan-people can visit… in one way or another. Come with me, fellow dorks! The magic is this way!

Is Diagon Alley a real place?

Harry Potter's story is set in a magical, largely fictional Britain, but the film series used many real locations as evocative backdrops. Other settings, like Diagon Alley, exist only at Leavesden Film Studios (20 miles north of London).