Why is there E coli in Lake Erie?

Why is there E coli in Lake Erie? Minimize water contact if lake levels are high, heavy rains have just ended, or there are strong winds blowing from the west, as these conditions have been known to cause elevated E. coli levels.

Why is it not recommended to swim in Lake Erie?

Currents in Lake Erie can be dangerous! Any current flowing faster than 2 mph is considered dangerous. Dangerous currents can exceed 5 mph — faster than an Olympic swimmer can swim. Currents can pull swimmers away from shore.

What is the cleanest Great Lake?

The average underwater visibility of Lake Superior is about 8 metres or 27 feet, making it the cleanest and clearest of the Great Lakes.

Why is Lake Erie so brown?

The cause of the algae blooms Lake Erie's algae blooms are caused by runoff pollution. This type of pollution occurs when rainfall washes fertilizer and manure spread on large farm fields into streams that flow into Lake Erie.

Why is Lake Erie so polluted?

Waste from city sewers made its way into the lake too, as did fertilizer and pesticides from agricultural runoff. As a result of these pollutants, Lake Erie contained increased levels of phosphorus and nitrogen, which contributed to eutrophication - a process that encourages the development of algal blooms.