Why is there a pineapple on the top of St Paul's cathedral?

Why is there a pineapple on the top of St Paul's cathedral? They became associated with wealth, royalty and generous hospitality which, presumably, is why they were chosen as the decorative finials on the St Paul's western towers. Their shape is aesthetically pleasing too.

What do upside down pineapples and flamingos mean?

Upside-down pineapples are a camper-culture sign to indicate swinging couple. There are other indicators mentioned, including flamingos, various lights, and so on. They are all supposed to mean variations on adult preferences and activities.

What is the pineapple code on cruise ships?

On a cruise (and sometimes also on land) 'pineapple' is code for swinging or wife-swapping.

What does the pineapple symbolize in London?

In the 17th Century it was customary to have a Pineapple as the centrepiece of meal (but as a reusable decoration, not to eat – too expensive!) So pineapples have become symbols of wealth, exoticism and hospitality, even today hotels always include a pineapple in a welcome fruit basket.