Why is the Guadalupe River so important?

Why is the Guadalupe River so important? Historically important as the river on which el Pueblo de San José was founded in 1777, the Guadalupe River was neglected for many years. Our modern city was developed with its back turned to the river, reminded of its presence only when the river swelled with winter rains and spilled over its banks.

What is the problem with the Guadalupe River?

It was determined that the Guadalupe River does not have sufficient capacity to carry the 100-year flows it was originally designed for. The stretch of creek without sufficient capacity is between Tasman Drive and Interstate 880.

Can you still float the Guadalupe River right now?

Current Guadalupe River Status: The River is Open!

Is the Guadalupe River polluted?

The waste consists mostly of domestic waste and sewage water. The Guadalupe river is considered as the dirtiest river in Cebu City.

Is Guadalupe River safe to swim in?

Contaminants can be washed into the river. Also, cloudy water will hide hazards such as logs, branches, broken glass, and metal. We recommend waiting approximately 5 days after heavy rainfall (rainfall that produces significant runoff from streets/hillsides into river) to resume swimming.

Why is it called Guadalupe River?

The river was first called after Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe by Alonso de León in 1689. It was renamed the San Augustin by Domingo Terán de los Ríos who maintained a colony on it, but the name Guadalupe persisted.