Why is Sweden the happiest country?

Why is Sweden the happiest country? Sweden: One of the happiest countries in the world A strong economy, good education, and excellent healthcare are very important factors in why Sweden performs so well in the happiness index (as each of the Scandinavian countries also tends to do).

Is Spain a happy country?

Spain is the second unhappiest country in Europe, second only to Hungary, according to the annual Global Happiness survey, conducted by Ipsos and released yesterday.

Is Health Care Free in Sweden?

The cost of the Swedish healthcare system is funded by the government, primarily through taxation. However, approximately 3% of the cost is funded directly by patients. There is a small co-pay that patients must pay for each doctor's visit, usually between 100 and 300 kronor.

Why is Finland so happy?

People in Finland are happy because their society has developed what they call an infrastructure of happiness. It includes healthcare, education, the economy, human rights, democratic governance and a culture of volunteerism. High levels of trust and freedom also help explain Finnish happiness.