Why is Rey a Skywalker?

Why is Rey a Skywalker? In the end, Rey takes the name Skywalker to show that she's the author of her future and can erase a past that was only hers by blood. With that in mind, she represented everything the name stood for, as Anakin, Leia and Luke all wanted more from their lives and chased it.

Who has a gold lightsaber?

At the end of the film, Rey returns to Luke's home on Tatooine, where she buries Luke and Leia's lightsabers, then reveals her own—decked out with a golden-yellow blade, a hilt that looks like it might've been crafted from her staff, and a cigarette-lighter-looking switch that turns it on.

Why did Rey kiss Ben?

Because he died happy. He returned to light when he wasn't sure if it was possible he could - and he was able to give the girl he wanted to love his life (force). She in return was able to gave him a kiss, because she could finally accept him. Ultimately it was more than he was expecting.

How is Rey related to Anakin?

Rey is Anakin's half sister, and Palpatines relations to Rey through the force. Rey is a genetic experiment/force experiment of immaculate conception orchestrated by palpatine. So Rey is Palpatines daughter or grand daughter, in a metaphorical sense. The same way Anakin is Palpatines son through the force.

Who has a white lightsaber?

How Did Ahsoka Tano Get White Lightsaber? Tano's change over to the white lightsaber can be traced to a traumatic personal event: She was falsely accused by the Jedi Council of having participated in the bombing of the Jedi Temple hangar during the Clone Wars.