Why is my skin so bad after traveling?

Why is my skin so bad after traveling? Airplane acne is a real thing, and many travelers are affected by it. The dry air on airplanes can irritate your skin, no matter what type you have. For those with already dry skin, the air on a plane can exacerbate the dryness, while those with oily skin could produce excess oils to compensate for the dryness.

How do you keep your skin fresh on a plane?

What to Do During a Flight
  1. Apply a Face Oil Every Hour. Applying a few drops of well-formulated face oil every hour during your flight will dramatically help your skin retain moisture. ...
  2. Sit in a Window Seat So You Can Control the Shade. ...
  3. Don't Use a Face Mist. ...
  4. Drink Plenty of Water. ...
  5. Get Up and Stretch.

How do flight attendants take care of their skin?

To help keep your skin supple during long flights, Josie Vasquez, a flight attendant with United Airlines for more than ten years, swears by using a moisturizing face mask the night before take-off and after landing. She even travels with a mini humidifier that easily plugs into any USB port to keep her skin glowing.

What is flight face?

“This means that the skin on your face and body can become incredibly dehydrated, even on a short flight.” The consequences can appear in the form of oily skin, breakouts and puffiness, as the skin desperately tries to hang on to water and compensate for the arid conditions.