Why is my poop different when I travel?

Why is my poop different when I travel? That's because when you travel, so does your gut microbiome. Your digestive tract is home to trillions of different bacteria, viruses, and fungi—all of which might be disturbed by a jaunt to a new locale.

What happens to your bowels when you fly?

Even though the air in your cabin is pressurized, the air pressure is still much lower than what you're used to at ground level. That lower pressure causes the gases in your gut to expand, resulting in bloating and gassiness, Dr. Movassaghi says.

Why does my poop smell different on vacation?

Changes in diet can affect the way your stool smells. For example, eating more spicy food or higher quantities of meat than you usually do will likely produce stronger smelling stools. Significant changes to your diet while traveling can also change the way your stool smells.