Why is Kenya cheaper than Tanzania?

Why is Kenya cheaper than Tanzania? Kenya VS Tanzania cost Despite its more sophisticated transport infrastructure, Kenya is generally the better option for budget-conscious travellers to East Africa. This is mainly down to economies of scale. There are more flights, more hotels, more safari camps. This creates competition, which drives down prices.

Why is Tanzania so expensive?

It has a higher population of wildlife and more diversity in national parks. Park fees are one of the main factors for the overall higher price, but note that park fees contribute towards rangers, environmental conservation throughout the country and anti-poaching campaigns to protect endangered wildlife.

Which is better Serengeti or Masai Mara?

Ultimately, neither is better than the other. Both Serengeti and Masai Mara win the prize for the best safari in Africa. They are both amazing travel destinations and there are pros and cons to going on a wildlife safari in both. Masai Mara Safaris generally offer slightly more concentrated game viewing year-round.