Why is it important to preserve and have a national park system?

Why is it important to preserve and have a national park system? National parks support broader conservation, serving as anchors of larger ecosystems, pathways linking wildlife habitat and catalysts for resource protection. Parks thrive when the lands around them are healthy. The air, water and wildlife that move in and out of parks must be safe and protected for parks to flourish.

Should we protect national parks?

National Parks Protect the Nation's National Heritage The stunning landscapes, beautiful forests and impressive natural formations are important parts of the country's heritage. Protecting these things should be considered part of the country's value.

What are the disadvantages of national parks?

Top 10 Issues Facing National Parks
  • Untold Stories. The term national park conjures up thoughts of big, natural landscapes like Grand Canyon and Yosemite. ...
  • Crumbling History. ...
  • Wildlife Management. ...
  • Foreign Invaders. ...
  • Adjacent Development. ...
  • Climate Change. ...
  • Water Issues. ...
  • Air Pollution.

Why is it important to protect all national parks and not just the one you researched?

In addition to the obvious health and wellbeing benefits our national parks bring, they also assist us in less obvious ways, such as acting as natural buffers against extreme weather events, helping to control our climate, providing us with clean water, improving food security and serving as an important resource for ...