Why is it better to commute?

Why is it better to commute? Many employees value their daily commute because it offers them a chance to relax before and after work. If you take a mode of transportation that doesn't require you to drive, you can read a novel, review the news or complete a crossword puzzle during your commute.

How does commute affect happiness?

Data from the US showed that more time spent on the daily commute was related to higher levels of fatigue and stress during commuting [12]. Clark et al. [9] found that longer commute times were associated with lower job and leisure time satisfaction, increased strain, and poorer mental health.

Is commuting good for your brain?

The dreaded commute to work could be good for your mental health, according to a recent study. Researchers at Wayne State and Rutgers University found that commuting creates a so-called liminal space that allows your brain to switch off and recharge.

Is it smarter to commute to college?

Take Advantage of Your Time To: Commuting to college means saving money. Whether it means living rent-free at home, or saving on rent to live somewhere less expensive, you will save money in some ways by commuting to school.

Should I commute 40 minutes to college?

40 minutes to commute to college is manageable. You can keep your study area as it was pre-college, social life and family will be slightly easier, and you won't have to deal with as much change. Those are some of the pros. Build more into this list and see what you can come up with.