Why is culture important in the tourism industry?

Why is culture important in the tourism industry? Without culture, tourism destinations would not have a reason for visitors to visit. Without tourism, cultural organisations would not have a constant flow of audiences and visitors. They rely on each other – and can benefit greatly from working together.

How is culture used for tourism?

According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, cultural tourism is “movements of persons for essentially cultural motivations such as study tours, performing arts and cultural tours, travel to festivals and other cultural events, visits to sites and monuments, travel to study nature, folklore or art, and ...

What are the 5 types of cultural tourists?

Based on a sample of 600 tourists arriving in Cracow to visit monuments and museums, participate in cultural events, and experience the cultural milieu, the study identified five main clusters. These were the 'Purposeful', 'Serendipitous', 'Sightseeing', 'Incidental' and 'Casual.

How does cultural tourism affect the economy?

Visitors spend money with the community's businesses. Restaurants, retail stores, boutiques and businesses of all varieties have the potential to earn more when their community attracts tourists. As a result, everyone from business owners to employees will have more to spend within the local economy.