Why is Corfu called Mouse Island?

Why is Corfu called Mouse Island? It's not clear where the name comes from. Some say that the island was full of mice in the past, some others that it has a mouse shape if you look it from top. There is also a legend that refers to the island as the ship of Odysseus which Poseidon turned to stone. Mouse island can be reached from Kanoni are, in town.

What food is Corfu famous for?

Top 15 Things to Eat in Corfu, Greece
  • Stakofisi. This is Corfu's word for stock fish, namely wind-dried cod, which captures the salt in the air as it dries. ...
  • Fish Bourdeto. ...
  • Fish Bianco. ...
  • Pastrokio Eggplant. ...
  • Pastitsada. ...
  • Zorka. ...
  • Pasta Frola. ...
  • Sikomaida.

What is special about Corfu?

Its rich multi-cultural heritage, its historic monuments, its stunning natural landscape, its crystal clear seas, and its excellent weather all year round explain why Corfu is one of the most cosmopolitan Mediterranean destinations weaving a powerful spell on its visitors.

What do the Greeks call Corfu?

Corfu, known as Kerkyra in Greek, owes its name to the Nymph Korkyra, the daughter of the River God, Asopus. According to the myth, Poseidon, God of the Sea, fell in love with Nymph Korkyra, kidnapped her and brought her to this island.

Why is Corfu so famous?

Corfu is famous for its charming architecture as it features a cluster of colorful buildings dated back to the Venetian period. The island's historic town is a cultural UNESCO World Heritage Site and undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and elegant ones worldwide.

Why does Corfu look Italian?

That's the result of 400 years of Venetian occupation after Corfu was cleaved from the Roman and Byzantine Empires. Following the Venetians, the French and the British occupied the island, both of whom also left their imprints. That all ended with the unification of Greece in the 19th century.

Is Corfu a luxury island?

Corfu is well-known as the perfect Mediterranean destination for luxury holidays.