Why is Castel Sant Angelo famous?

Why is Castel Sant Angelo famous? The Castel Sant'Angelo Rome is famous for being the tomb of Emperor Hadrian. It is also known serving as a fortress and prison to the Papal residence throughout history. Today, the museum is known for its cultural and historical value.

Is there a tunnel from Castel Sant Angelo to the Vatican?

The Passetto is the fortified passageway, created during the papacy of Alexander VI (1159-81), that links the Vatican with the Castel Sant'Angelo.

Can you enter Castel Sant Angelo for free?

Admission is free for children and adolescents that are under 18 years old. The ticket price also includes the admission to the Palazzo Venezia within 3 days of first using your ticket. On the first Sunday of each month the admission to the Castel Sant'Angelo is free for all visitors.