Why is Capitol Hill so important?

Why is Capitol Hill so important? The construction of the U.S. Capitol Building began in 1793, and for over a century it was the only building created for the use of the nation's legislature. In fact, the Capitol initially housed not only the Congress but also the Library of Congress, the Supreme Court, the district courts and other offices.

What do you call a person from DC?

Typically we refer to ourselves as Washingtonians. If you were born and raised here you are known as a Native Washingtonian.

What is underneath the Capitol building?

The United States Capitol crypt is the large circular room filled with forty neoclassical Doric columns directly beneath the United States Capitol rotunda. It was built originally to support the rotunda as well as offer an entrance to Washington's Tomb.

Does the U.S. Capitol have a basement?

The rest of this floor is occupied by offices, committee rooms, and press galleries. The fourth floor and the basement/terrace level of the Capitol are occupied by offices, machinery rooms, workshops, and other support areas.

Why is Capitol Hill under construction?

A multi-phased project designed to address deferred maintenance, extend the life expectancy of the deteriorated stone and to replace missing elements of the U.S. Capitol Building.