Why is BART 50% off?

Why is BART 50% off? In celebration of BART's upcoming 50th anniversary on September 11, BART is offering a 50% discount for the entire month of September 2022. The reduced fare will be automatically deducted when using Clipper at the fare gates.

Is BART safe at 8pm?

Yes, but be watchful and mindful of your luggage. If someone seems sketchy or looks mentally unstable, then get up and move to another car.

Is BART safe after 10pm?

It's totally safe. If you want to minimize time spent outside the turnstyles (where problems are more likely to lurk), purchase a BART ticket with sufficient funds to travel to the airport earlier in the day. Then, just go straight through the turn-styles.

Can two people use the same BART card?

Can two people use the same card at the same time? No, every rider needs their own card or device (phone or watch) to pay for fares.

Does BART still use paper tickets?

Beginning November 30, 2023, paper tickets will no longer be accepted at BART. This change is occurring as BART begins to roll out new state of the art fare gates which will not accept paper tickets and as Clipper prepares for the launch of the next generation of Clipper.

Is it safe to ride BART?

Safety is BART's top priority. To help keep passengers and our employees safe, BART has more than 4,000 working cameras throughout our system and we are working very hard to increase both sworn officers and ambassador presence.

What is the difference between Metro and BART?

Whereas BART is used to travel across the Bay Area, Muni is used to travel within San Francisco's city limits. The service includes bus lines, trolleybuses, light rail lines and cable cars. That's right, those iconic San Francisco cable cars are part of Muni!

Does BART still take cash?

You can purchase BART tickets using CASH or CREDIT or DEBIT. Just walk to any station and there are machines to purchase tickets. Yes*.

How do I get 50% off my BART?

Youth 5-18 years old get 50% off BART with a youth Clipper card. Seniors 65 and over get 62.5% off BART with a Senior Clipper card. Qualifying low-income adult riders get 20% off BART with Clipper START. Riders with qualifying disabilities get 62.5% off BART with the RTC Clipper card.

Is taking BART cheaper than driving?

Transit Saves You Money The average BART fare is approximately $3.96. For the same price as one year of car ownership, you could take nearly 3,000 average trips on BART – or about seven trips a day. Use our Fare Calculator to determine the exact cost of your trip.

Is BART cash only?

All BART Stations have Clipper vending machines which accept cash, credit cards and debit cards as payment. You can add cash value to Clipper cards at all BART ticket machines. Clipper cards can be ordered online at www.clippercard.com. Many retail outlets throughout the region also sell Clipper cards.

Is BART train free?

Children 4 and under ride free but everyone else must have a Clipper card (a plastic card or in your digital wallet) or a BART paper ticket (no longer sold at stations except SFO) with funds loaded.

Is BART cheaper with Clipper card?

In addition to the 50-cent per trip savings on BART, adult Muni customers who use Clipper save 50-cents on single-ride fares.

What is the minimum balance for BART?

You need a cash value balance of at least $2.10 on an adult card, $1.05 on a Youth Clipper card and 75 cents on a Senior or RTC Clipper card. High-value discount (HVD) ticket: For single rides. Adults get a 6.25% discount on cash value rides by buying $48 worth of value for $45 or $64 worth of value for $60.