Why is Australia no longer an island?

Why is Australia no longer an island? According to Britannica, an island is a mass of land that is both “entirely surrounded by water” and also “smaller than a continent.” By that definition, Australia can't be an island because it's already a continent.

Does Australia qualify as an island?

As the country of Australia is mostly on a single landmass, and comprises most of the continent, it is sometimes informally referred to as an island continent, surrounded by oceans. Papua New Guinea, a country within the continent, is one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse countries in the world.

What is the largest country in Europe?

Russia, the largest country in Europe and the world, ranks first, with a total area of 17,098,242 km². Ukraine ranks second largest country in Europe, with 603,500 km², followed by France with 551,695 km², Spain with 505,992 km², and Sweden with 450,295 km².

What is the island that never existed?

Sandy Island (sometimes labelled in French Île de Sable, and in Spanish Isla Arenosa) is a non-existent island that was charted for over a century as being located near the French territory of New Caledonia between the Chesterfield Islands and Nereus Reef in the eastern Coral Sea.