Why don't you approach a helicopter from the front?

Why don't you approach a helicopter from the front? It is acceptable to walk straight up toward a helicopter from the front, but the pilot will be able to see you better if you approach at an angle. If you approach from the rear of the aircraft, the pilot won't be able to see you.

Do you crouch as you approach a helicopter?

(2) Helicopter pilots, managers and crew members are trained to provide for safe operations in and around helicopters follow their directions! (3) Never approach a helicopter unless directed to do so by the helicopter manager or crew person. Crouch and do not run when approaching or leaving an aircraft.

Do you approach a helicopter from the front or back?

Helicopter Safety- When working around helicopters, never approach helicopters from the rear. Always approach and depart the aircraft from the front so you can see the pilot, and he Page 2 can see you. (90 degree angles is recommended) When approaching helicopters, remember to keep low to avoid the main rotor.

Why do helicopter pilots fly from the right seat?

Short answer: In a helicopter, because the right hand is stronger and more accurate for many people, and the cyclic control is the most demanding, the right hand is permanently dedicated to the cyclic control.

Why do airline pilots sit on the left in the cockpit?

Sitting on the left side of the cockpit, the PIC has a better view of the runway during traffic patterns to the left. The left-turning tendencies caused by P-factor, a symmetrical thrust, spiraling slipstream, and torque make it easier for the airplane to turn to the left rather than the right.

Do you approach a helicopter uphill or downhill?

General Helicopter Safety Rules: Never approach or depart from the rear of the helicopter - approach from the front. Never walk around the tail rotor. Never rush. If the helicopter is on a sloped surface, approach from the downhill side, never from the uphill side due to the angle of the rotor.