Why does my arm hurt when I carry a heavy bag?

Why does my arm hurt when I carry a heavy bag? Straps being pulled down by a heavy bag can put quite a lot of pressure on your muscles, which can pinch your nerves and cause that numb/tingling sensation. Over time, this can cause nerve damage, which can take a long time to heal, and will only get worse if you continue to lug around the heavy bag.

What is the healthiest way to carry a bag?

Keep your head high while lifting and carrying. Switch a purse or bag position frequently to avoid fatigue. For crossbody bags, switch shoulders often. Square your shoulders and avoid lifting shoulders to keep straps from slipping.

Can carrying heavy bags cause nerve damage?

Over time, this can cause nerve damage, which can take a long time to heal, and will only get worse if you continue to lug around the heavy bag.