Why does Lake Michigan stay cold even though it's a hot summer day?

Why does Lake Michigan stay cold even though it's a hot summer day? There is a seasonal lag in temperatures when it comes to Lake Michigan. Water takes much longer to heat up and much longer to cool down than land. We can easily experience this phenomenon at the beach on a summer day. The sand gets hot fast and the water stays cool, then gradually warms as the season wears on.

Can you swim in Lake Michigan in winter?

Those who brave the frigid feat and swim in the winter are nicknamed “ice monsters.” Lake Michigan continuously cools throughout winter, and with March averaging an annual low of 32.9 degrees, it's the chilliest month for open-water swimming. Yet a growing number of people are taking the plunge.

Is it OK to swim in Lake Michigan?

Safe for Swimming? The answer is, it depends. Under the right conditions, Lake Michigan is safe for swimming. But this lake can also present dangerous, even deadly, conditions for swimmers.

Is Lake Michigan man made?

The lake's formation began 1.2 billion years ago when two tectonic plates moving in opposite directions left a giant scar—an event now known as the Midcontinent Rift. Less than 15,000 years ago, melting glaciers filled the giant basin, and Lake Michigan came to be. The lake's maximum depth is 925 feet.

Why is Lake Michigan water so cold?

A north-northeast wind has pushed the warmer surface water along the Michigan shore back toward the middle of Lake Michigan and brought up colder water from well beneath the surface. This process is called upwelling.

Does Lake Michigan ever warm up?

Lake Surface Temperature Surface temperatures of Lake Michigan follow a monthly pattern with the warmest temperatures occurring in late summer and early fall and the coolest temperatures occurring in late winter and early spring (Figure 17).

Why is Lake Michigan so dark?

When the lake is deep, and the angle of incoming light is smaller, Lake Michigan's color appears deep blue. This is because the light travels down with little obstructions and dissipates far below the surface. The light then appears darker in the visible spectrum.

Why is Lake Michigan cold in summer?

Lower Michigan is surrounded by water on the north, east and west. Any wind from those directions will blow air over the water and then over Lower Michigan. The cold water will cool the air and keep us in a chill. It's a nice cooling effect on a hot summer day, but it's a frigid effect in April and May.

Which Great lake can you not swim in?

Lake Michigan in particular is the roughest of the Great Lakes, and poses a major risk to those thinking of taking a dip.