Why does Lake Michigan have sand?

Why does Lake Michigan have sand? These dunes are a result of massive ice sheets which covered Michigan, and much of North America, during what geologists call the Pleistocene Epoch, some 1,800,000 years ago. Glaciers transported sand and other materials and deposited them as glacial drift.

What was found under Lake Michigan?

Mark Holley, a professor of underwater archaeology at Northwestern Michigan University, discovered a prehistoric structure about 40 feet below the surface of Lake Michigan in Grand Traverse Bay. Much like a smaller version of England's Stonehenge, these stones appeared to have been arranged deliberately.

Why is Lake Michigan water so cold?

A north-northeast wind has pushed the warmer surface water along the Michigan shore back toward the middle of Lake Michigan and brought up colder water from well beneath the surface. This process is called upwelling.

Why is Lake Michigan so clean?

Invasive zebra mussels are mostly responsible for the increased clarity of Lake Michigan. About 25 years ago, Lake Michigan's water was somewhat of a brownish-green color, very different from the pristine blue-green appearance of today.

Do people in Chicago swim in Lake Michigan?

Lake Michigan is a treasured natural resource that provides Chicago families with water recreation activities such as beach days, swimming, boating and sailing.

Does Lake Michigan ever warm up?

Lake Surface Temperature Surface temperatures of Lake Michigan follow a monthly pattern with the warmest temperatures occurring in late summer and early fall and the coolest temperatures occurring in late winter and early spring (Figure 17).

Does Lake Michigan ever get warm?

Though not as warm as the oceans, temperatures of Lake Michigan do rise to the high 60s in July and August to make swimming enjoyable, and definitely refreshing! Rarely do temperatures make it to the 70s, unless air temperatures stay up in the 90's for many continuous days.