Why does 787 not have window shades?

Why does 787 not have window shades? @quietflyer The 787 has electrochromic windows (sometimes called smart glass.) There's a control beneath each window where the passenger can change its opacity, but the cabin crew can override the controls and make them all transparent or opaque during flight phases when all of the windows need to be open or closed.

Why are 787 windows so big?

The main reason is that the 787 has a composite construction instead of aluminum. This is more resistant to fatigue, and therefore allows larger windows to be installed. Fatigue is the main reason windows have been kept smaller in the past.

Can planes fly with one engine?

Can planes fly on just one engine? Absolutely. That is what they are designed to do. By law, planes have to be able to fly from point A to point B, over water, on just one engine.

Why is Boeing 787 so quiet?

To combat the sound of jet-blast from the rear of the engine, Boeing, General Electric, and NASA developed serrated edges called chevrons for the back of the nacelle and the engine exhaust nozzle. The chevrons reduce jet blast noise by controlling the way the air mixes after passing through and around the engine.

What makes 787 Dreamliner special?

This high aspect ratio wing design combined with efficiency enhancing raked wing tips allow the 787 to be one of the fastest commercial aircraft (Mach 0.85 cruise speed) while consuming less fuel than today's comparably sized aircraft.

How is the 787 so quiet?

The Dreamliner's lightweight composite structure contributes to reduced noise levels, both inside and outside the aircraft.

Why 787 is better than A350?

The Bottom Line: The Airbus A350-900 and Boeing 787-9 are very similar aircraft, suited for similar missions. As one would expect, the slightly larger A350-900 has a seat-mile cost advantage, while the 787-9 has an advantage in cost per block hour. These aircraft are competitive, and nearly tie in economic performance.

Why keep windows open during takeoff?

The first reason is your safety. If anything happens during a take-off or landing, your eyes will already be used to the day or night light outside, thus you will be able to react more quickly. Another reason for keeping the blinds open is visibility of aircraft outside.

Why do seats go upright for landing?

Having passengers weave around jutting seats as they shimmy into the aisle simply wouldn't do. Since most accidents occur during takeoff and landing, it is for the safety of everyone onboard the aircraft to have all seats in their upright and locked position, says Manning.

Is the 787 the most comfortable plane?

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner has revolutionized flying for both passengers and pilots. Taking a leap into the future from its predecessors, the designers incorporated a number of new features that make the Dreamliner one of the most fuel efficient and comfortable aircraft in the skies.

Can pilots open windows while flying?

Yes. On most passenger aircraft models, some cockpit windows can be opened. On the Airbus A320, for example, there are two windows that can be opened, one on the captain's side and one on the co-pilot's.

How many hours can a aircraft fly after losing an engine?

In fact, airliners can fly quite well on just one. The Boeing 777 is certified to fly up to five and a half hours with one engine out.

What are the flaws of the 787 Dreamliner?

The 787's latest problem mirrors production issues discovered over 2020 and 2021 that included improperly fitted shimming that led to paper-thin gaps between surfaces on the Dreamliner's fuselage.