Why do you honk when driving through tunnels?

Why do you honk when driving through tunnels? In the past, tunnels used to be only a single-lane wide, so drivers would honk to let cars coming from the opposite direction know they were driving through.

Why do people honk in mobile tunnel?

"The habit of blowing your horn in tunnels is based on early traffic safety laws requiring the act," said Merithew, who works in the academy's Traffic Training Center and has 26 years of law enforcement experience.

Why do you turn on your radio in a tunnel?

This is because they often have 'wideband' transmitters inside the tunnel itself- doesn't matter what frequency you are tuned to, it will pick it up- and they use this to issue alerts, traffic warnings etc (as well as in many cases they will have multiple low powered transmitters that retransmit the actual local radio ...

Do tunnels ever collapse?

Although this is also seen to a certain extent in bridges, it is not to the extent seen in tunnels. Events such as earthquakes and floods, which are the major causes of collapse of other structures, account for only about 10% to 20% of all tunnel collapses.

Why do people honk in the Monterey tunnel?

Local Redditors were quick to respond and explain the tradition of horn honking. It's tradition, said one responder. Honk back for good luck.It's a tradition/good luck thing.

Why do people lift their feet when driving over train tracks?

3) Lifting Your Feet Up When Passing Over Railroad Tracks Some drivers out there believe that you should lift your feet up when crossing over railroad tracks. There are several motivations behind this, like if you don't you'll never get married, or die young, or lose the person you're in a relationship with.