Why do waiters give you wine to taste?

Why do waiters give you wine to taste? The person who orders the wine is selected to taste the wine to ensure that it is not flawed and that it is the same bottle they intended to order. The person who ordered the wine will observe the wine, smell the wine and taste it for flaws. It could be cooked, corked or oxidized.

What is wine tasting etiquette?

Taste the wine in small sips, not large gulps. Let it swirl in your mouth and enjoy the feel, the texture, and the taste. By swirling it you will get the whole experience and palate of tasting. Also, be observant of what lingers in your mouth after you swallow it or spit it out.

What not to say at a wine tasting?

Don't say: “Look at the legs! This must be a great wine”. This is one of the most crucial parts of wine tasting, because the aromas, perceived only through the nose, are a vital part of our appreciation of a wine. The swirl and sniff is well known.