Why do tourists want to go to Antarctica?

Why do tourists want to go to Antarctica? Visiting Antarctica is a One-of-a-Kind Experience To visit Antarctica is to undergo a life-changing experience. Only when you get there do you take in the sensation of being at the very end of the world, on a vast continent with no permanent human habitation—just wildlife, mountains, rock, and ice.

Can you legally go to Antarctica?

Travelers do not need permission to go to Antarctica, but tourism operators must hold a valid permit. First, a bit of background on why it is legal to visit Antarctica. Antarctica is not a country. The continent is protected by the Antarctic Treaty, which preserves it for peaceful and scientific use.

What kinds of tourists visit Antarctica?

The 5 Types of People Who Visit Antarctica
  • The Academics.
  • The Adventure Travellers.
  • The Wealthy.
  • The Retired.
  • The Hobbyists.

Can normal people go to Antarctica?

The Antarctic Treaty does not prevent tourists, military personnel or scientific researchers from being present in Antarctica, but they do require an appropriate permit from a Treaty Party.

What do tourists in Antarctica do?

Activities include sightseeing ship-based cruises, visits to operational scientific stations and historical huts, small boat cruising, visits to wildlife sites and other wilderness sites, hiking, kayaking, mountaineering, camping and scuba-diving.

Is it worth going to Antarctica?

There are myriad reasons to visit Antarctica. First, the epic landscapes: vast stretches of pack ice, hulking icebergs, mirror-like bays and colossal mountains and glaciers. Second, the wildlife. You will see hundreds of penguins: Gentoo, Chinstrap and, if you're lucky, some penguin chicks too.

How much does it cost to go on a cruise to Antarctica?

The cost of embarking on a cruise to Antarctica can vary depending on the departure date, how long the cruise goes for, and the type of cabin you book on the ship with most cruises starting at around USD$5,000 (AUD$7,000) and going all the way up to USD$12,000 (AUD$17,000) - for a cruise lasting 21 days.

How much does Antarctica trip cost?

The average Antarctica cruise cost is about $8,000 per person. The least expensive trips to Antarctica start at under $5,000. Luxury voyages can exceed $15,000 per person.

Why is it so expensive to go to Antarctica?

Going to Antarctica is expensive for companies when you think about the costs they endure. The military-grade ship, the equipment, the zodiac boats, the permits, the food, and everything else it takes to safely get to the 7th continent are all very high ticket items.