Why do tourists go to Chichen Itza?

Why do tourists go to Chichen Itza? Chichen Itza is a unique tourist destination for its architectural, artistic, scientific, and historical importance. It's one of the most relevant Mexican archaeological sites and the second most visited site in Mexico after the pyramids of Teotihuacan.

What happens if you climb Chichen Itza?

The ancient Mayan pyramid of Kukulkán is a Unesco heritage site, protected by law and the Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH ). It is forbidden to climb it and fines range from $4000 to $8400 for trespassers, depending on the amount of damage caused.

What is inside Chichen Itza?

In the 1930s, however, a group of excavators began exploring and discovered that another pyramid-temple was nestled within the larger pyramid. Further excavations revealed that it had nine platforms, a single stairway, and a temple containing human remains, a jade-studded jaguar throne, and a so-called Chac Mool.

Which pyramid has 365 steps?

The Pyramid of El Castillo in Chichén Itzá was built to reflect the Mayan astronomical year. Each side has 91 steps with a final step at the top, so there are 365 steps total. The Pyramid was constructed so that it marks the equinoxes—the two days of the year when there are equal amounts of day and night.

What happened to the woman who climbed the Mayan pyramid?

After descending the pyramid steps, she was met by an angry crowd who yelled “jail jail jail” and “idiot,” though the woman seemed relatively unphased. Villalobos was then escorted from the site and taken to the nearby community of Tinum, where she received a fine of 5,000 pesos, roughly $250.

What are 10 facts about Chichen Itza?

13 Facts About Chichen Itza, One Of The 7 Wonders Of The World
  • 6 There Are Smaller Pyramids Within.
  • 7 It Isn't Entirely Mayan. ...
  • 8 It May Have Been Used For Sacrifices. ...
  • 9 It Is Being Restored. ...
  • 10 It Was Built Near Sinkholes. ...
  • 11 It's Built With Diverse Materials. ...
  • 12 It Was Used As An Observatory. ...
  • 13 It Was Discovered Twice. ...

What is the secret of Chichen Itza?

Well, in Chichen Itza, one pyramid can hide another! Incredible but true! The archaeologists have discovered that the Great Pyramid of Kukulkan was actually built over another smaller pyramid (of about 30 ft high) around 550-800 AD.