Why do pilots say bogey?

Why do pilots say bogey? Bogey – Technically, this is any radar contact. It was sometimes used imprecisely, as in my early years of flying, but later we were better about using bogey to indicate an unknown aircraft and bandit to indicate an enemy.

What do pilots call takeoff?

What do pilots say when they are ready to take off? The correct phrase is to say “ready for departure”. The tower might come back and say you are cleared for takeoff, and pilot would read that back. The word “takeoff” is used only at the final step before you actually take off.

Why do pilots throttle up when landing?

But extending the flaps also increases drag and slows the plane down, thereby reducing the control over the aircraft that you want. So to counteract that, pilots will throttle up to maintain speed and control.

Why do pilots tell you how high you are?

Why do pilots tell you how high you are? Answer: It is normally part of the welcome aboard announcement as a matter of interest. We provide the time of the flight, the cruise altitude, landmarks of interest along way and the weather.