Why do people fall forward when a bus stops?

Why do people fall forward when a bus stops? When the running bus stops suddenly, the passengers are jerked forward because due to inertia of motion the passengers tend to remain in their state of motion even though the bus has come to rest.

When a passenger jumps out of a moving bus he falls down?

When the passenger jumps out of a fast-moving bus/train, his feet will come to rest on touching the ground, whereas the upper part of his body continues to move forward, due to the inertia of motion. As a result, if he does not run forward he will fall with his face in downwards direction.

Why do passengers fall backward when the bus stops suddenly?

This is due to inertia of rest of upper part of the passengers body when the bus or train suddenly starts moving, the lower part of the passenger's body starts moving along with the bus or train while upper part of the body has a tendency to remain in the state of rest due to inertia of rest and hence falls backward.

Why do we jerk backwards when a bus suddenly starts moving?

When a bus or train at rest starts, to move suddenly, the passengers sitting in it jerk in the backward direction due to their inertia of rest.

Why do you fall in the forward direction when a moving bus brake to a stop and fall backward when it accelerate from waste?

When a moving bus breaks to a stop we fall in the forward direction due to inertia of motion and when the bus accelerates from rest, we fall in the backward direction due to inertia of rest.

When a man is sitting in a bus he suddenly falls?

This is due to inertia of rest of upper part of the passengers body when the bus or train suddenly starts moving, the lower part of the passenger's body starts moving along with the bus or train while upper part of the body has a tendency to remain in the state of rest due to inertia of rest and hence falls backward.

Why do passengers tend to fall sideways when the bus takes a certain?

This is because of inertia of motion. The part of our body, which is in contact with the bus, changes the direction of motion. However, the rest of the body tries to move in the same direction as before because of inertia of motion.

Why does a man jumping out of a moving bus fall with his head forward?

Due to the inertia of motion, the upper half of their body resists this sudden change in state and continues to move in the direction of the bus, causing the person to roll forward.

Why do passengers in a moving train suddenly feel a jerk in the forward direction?

C. This is caused due to inertia of motion.

When a passenger who is standing and facing forward in a moving bus suddenly falls forward?

When a bus stops suddenly, its passengers tend to fall forward because due to their inertia the passengers tend to remain in a state of motion even though the bus has come to rest.

Why does a person fall forward while getting down from a moving bus or train?

A getting passenger getting down from a moving bus, falls in the direction of the motion of the bus. This is because his feet come to rest on touching the ground and the remaining body continues to move due to inertia of motion.

Why do passengers fall forward?

When the running bus stops suddenly, the passengers are jerked forward because due to inertia of motion the passengers tend to remain in their state of motion even though the bus has come to rest.

Why do passengers tend to fall sideways when the bus?

This is because of inertia of motion. The part of our body, which is in contact with the bus, changes the direction of motion. However, the rest of the body tries to move in the same direction as before because of inertia of motion. Q.

Why do we feel jerk when bus stops?

This is due to inertia. When the speeding bus stops suddenly, lower part of the body comes to rest while the upper part of the body tends to maintain uniform motion.