Why do people cancel at the last minute?

Why do people cancel at the last minute? Usually when someone is feeling overwhelmed and anxious, they will want to avoid what is causing them to feel that way. That would be the time that you would come up with an excuse to not go to happy hour and you will back out of the plans last minute.

How do you respond to someone who cancels last minute?

I'm sorry to hear that you won't be able to make it tonight. I was really looking forward to getting together. I've got so much going on these days that it would've been helpful had you reached out sooner, but I understand these things happen. Hope we can reschedule this!

Is it rude to cancel on someone last minute?

Is it bad to cancel date last minute? If you just hint that you are not going to be there and don't directly tell the person, then it is rude. If you cancel because you have something “better to do or you got a chance for different plans, then it is rude. If an emergency came up, then it is not rude.