Why do my feet hurt when I've been sitting all day?

Why do my feet hurt when I've been sitting all day? Sitting with your knees bent and toes pointed down is the shortest possible configuration for the calf muscles. Days of sitting like this causes the muscles to shorten which tightens the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia. Patients often complain of a sharp pain in the bottom of the heel when they get up after sitting.

How do you survive a 10 hour shift on your feet?

“Oh, my aching feet!”
  1. Wear good shoes. If there's anything you should be spending a lot of money on it's a good shoe. Look for shoes with these features: ...
  2. Use good posture at work. Don't lock your knees when standing. Do soften your knees. ...
  3. Move at work. These simple maneuvers can help.

Is standing for 8 hours bad?

Prolonged standing is defined as over 8 hours of standing per day without a lot of movement and walking around. Jobs that require standing all day are commonly associated with lower back pain, issues with leg muscles and tendons, and chronic venous insufficiency.

Why my feet hurt from standing 8 hours?

It is the lack of blood flow that causes muscles to tire more easily and causes pain in the feet, legs, back and neck. It is important to plan properly for long periods of standing. A great way to promote circulation is to walk in place or make small movements.

How do I stop my feet from hurting when I sit all day?

Standing all day at work? Here are 5 ways to prevent foot pain
  1. Wear the right shoes. ...
  2. Take breaks and rest your feet. ...
  3. Exercise for strength and flexibility in your feet. ...
  4. Give your feet some TLC at home. ...
  5. Get regular podiatry care.