Why do my eyebrows hurt after flying?

Why do my eyebrows hurt after flying? Why does this happen? Known as aerosinusitis, the inflammation in the paranasal sinus cavities (those are the air-filled spaces that stem from the sides of your nose to between your eyebrows) is caused by a difference in air pressures inside and outside the body.

How do you relieve pressure in your head after flying?

The Valsalva Maneuver
  1. Close your mouth.
  2. Squeeze the nostrils closed with one finger.
  3. Gently attempt to exhale out of your nose while keeping your nose pinched and mouth closed.
  4. Continue until you relieve the pressure.

Can flying damage your eyes?

The air pressure, temperature and oxygen levels of a plane are carefully regulated to ensure no sudden changes occur. However even slight changes in air pressure experienced during a flight might not be good for your eyes. The re-circulated air inside the cabin can also be very drying.

Why do I get a sharp pain above my eye when flying?

The increasing pressure leads to sinus pain that can usually be felt around the nose, cheekbones, eyes, and forehead. Bending over may make it worse. When flying, the body has to react to changes in cabin pressure during the flight.