Why do I suddenly feel motion sick?

Why do I suddenly feel motion sick? You get motion sickness when there are conflicts among your senses. Say you're on a ride at the fair, and it's spinning you around and upside down. Your eyes see one thing, your muscles feel another, and your inner ears sense something else. Your brain can't take in all those mixed signals.

What is the best seasick medicine?

These medications may help:
  • Scopolamine (Transderm Scop). Most commonly prescribed medication for motion sickness. ...
  • Promethazine (Phenergan). Administered 2 hours before travel. ...
  • Cyclizine (Marezine). Works best when taken at least 30 minutes before travel. ...
  • Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine). ...
  • Meclizine (Bonine).