Why do I feel like I am still on a boat after cruise?

Why do I feel like I am still on a boat after cruise? MdDS is a disorder that mainly affects women (85%) between 40-49 (Cha et al, 2020)s. Almost all individuals with MdDS are women. They typically have gone on a 7-day cruise. After getting off the boat, or debarking (debarquement), they immediately develop a rocking sensation, as if they are still on the boat.

How long does Disembarkment syndrome last?

Translated as “sickness of disembarkment,” mal de debarquement syndrome (MdDS) is the illusion of movement after movement has stopped. It is caused by exposure and then removal of movement. Many people deal with MdDS after air or sea travel. Typically, MdDS resolves itself within 24 hours.

Is walking good for MdDS?

MdDS is different for each patient, so walking on beach is OK for some but not for others. Avoid virtual reality and driving simulator experiences. If you are still experiencing symptoms, it is recommended not to walk on a treadmill and to use an elliptical machine.

How long does the swaying feeling last after a cruise?

Once back on shore, most people “get their land legs back” within two days. People with MdDS still feel like they're rocking and swaying, even though they're no longer on a ship. Less common MdDS triggers include: Flying in a plane.

Why does my body feel weird after a cruise?

If you've ever spent some time at sea, you may have noticed that you felt a little wobbly once you were back on land. This wobbliness is “mal de debarquement.” This condition makes people feel like they're still standing on the deck of a ship despite the fact that they're safely ashore.